Taking some time to wrap up work on my pieces for my show at M Gallery in Charleston, SC.
It is a two person show with me and Gladys Roldan de Moras. We will both have a selection of paintings with Méxican themes and assorted other goodies. I've been working all summer on my paintings for this show. It's going to be good.
M Gallery just relocated to Charleston from Sarasota, FL. so Gladys and I are not well known there yet.
Please help spread the word to any family or friends that live in the area or enjoy visiting Charleston. There are going to be a lot of great paintings.
Below are two of my favorites that I'll be including. Contact M Gallery of me if you're interested in setting one of these aside for your collection.

"Goats and Mountain Stream" 32x38" oil on linen. Frank Gardner © 2010
$6,000. Framed. Available at M Gallery, Charleston, SC

"Perigrinos" 30x40" oil on linen. Frank Gardner © 2010
$6,000. Framed. Available at M Gallery, Charleston, SC
Oh my..... Frank!! Both of these are exquisite!!!!
Fantastic! Can't explain exactly why but simply fantastic!
Frank, these are rad. Good luck with the exhibit -
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