I am not an art critic and don't pretend to be up on everything that's going on out there in the art world. These are painters that inspire me personally. Painters that I will be following in 2012 in my quest to become a better painter. They inspire me to push myself artistically and experiment with new things. I chose them from a huge list of favorites as painters who have developed a personal style.
I'm inspired by so many painters that my list was very hard to narrow down to just 20. I had to leave out many others or maybe I just forgot to include some. This is just my personal list. I in no way mean to slight anyone else or give the illusion that these painters deserve more than the rest. I'd like to add students in the Academies in Russia. to the list of inspiration. Holy Guacamole!
"To Watch" lists are often about the up an coming "new" thing. However, I believe that representational painters evolve into their own style over time, as they become more fluent with the language of paint. So my list is made up of painters from all levels of their artistic careers, not really "newbies". I chose them for a variety of reasons. I can't go into everything I like about each of these, but I'll try and add a sentence or two about each one. Please visit their personal web sites to check out more of their work.
The images below are © of the artist and the rights are theirs. I just borrowed for this post. I hope none of them mind.
I hope you enjoy MY list of 20 Representational Painters to be Inspired by in 2012.
Listed in no particular order.
1- Susan Lyon.
Sue is amazing. Her drawing is impeccable. I was totally blown away be her little figure sketches on velum that she did this year. She has some downloadable instructional videos on her web site and you can check out a link to promo for video here.
Inspiration: draw well, keep experimenting.

Susan Lyon, Figure in charcoal.

Susan Lyon, figure sketch on velum.
2- Ignat Ignatov.
I love Ignat's work. He is also one of the happiest upbeat guys I know. I love his portraits, but watching him paint one is the best treat. He starts with a loose sketch of light and shadow and pulls the likeness out bit by bit. His paint handling and color inspire me. Inspiration: Paint better portraits.

Ignat Ignatov 2 hr demo

Ignat Ignatov, portrait of Alexey Steele
3- Paul Oxborough.
Paul is just a kick ass painter. I love his seemingly effortless brushwork. Reminds me of Sargent, but with a twist that I really enjoy. There are a bunch of great images on the Eleanor Ettinger Gallery web site. Check out the night scenes. Inspiration: Paint better.

Paul Oxborough, "First One Up" 34x44"

Paul Oxborough, "Dinner by Lamplight" 5x7"

Paul Oxborough, "Sailors" 36x48"
4-Eric Merrell.
Eric has a great eye for color, it really blows me away. He has developed a totally unique style. You really need to see his stuff in person to get the full impact of his brushwork. Not sure how he does it. He has kind of a light handed, very textural, short stroke that enhances his style. Inspiration: Get a better eye for color.

Eric Merrell

Eric Merrell
"Weight of the World" (Temple Crag and Third Lake, Sierra Nevadas) 30" x 40"

Eric Merrell
5-Vadim Zanginian.
I love the controlled chaos of Vadim's work. I'm into the way the images just seem to appear and fade back into nothing. It's something that I have been trying to incorporate into my work, so when I came across his paintings I was instantly drawn to that aspect of his stuff. Inspiration: Loosen up.

Vadim Zanginian, "Duet with Teacher" 24x24"

Vadim Zanginian, "Last Rose" 14x11"
6-Rose Frantzen.
Such a great painter. I'm really drawn to her designs and subject. I've seen some step by steps on line and I think that is the reason she made my list. She starts with what seems like a chaotic mess and pulls the image from that. You may see a pattern in my choices for that approach. Inspiration: Push myself to be a better painter.

Rose Frantzen, "Mrs. Krogman"

Rose Frantzen
7- David Gluck.
I've just recently come across David's work. The painting below, "The Trapper" won an award in the ACOPAL open competition this year. The I saw this still life on his web site. Dang! love the mad skills as well as the color harmony and the choice of objects. He and his wife Kate Stone, ( who is also amazing, so there is an extra fav thrown in there ), have a cool blog: Painting Stuff to Look Like Stuff. Check it out. Their combined sense of humor guaranteed David's spot on my list. Inspiration: Master my skills in order to become a better painter.

David Gluck

David Gluck, "The Trapper"
8- Scott Burdick.
OK, Scott is on my list of usual suspects. He has inspired me for years. For this list it is his brushwork and unusual color combos that get me inspired. I've chosen two details of larger paintings below to show what I mean. Scott and Sue are two of the nicest most generous people I know. Inspiration: Don't be afraid to make bold color choices. Want brushwork? Then make some.

Scott Burdick, "Tent with a View" 11x14"

Scott Burdick, detail

Scott Burdick, "Colors of Africa" detail
9- Colin Page.
Colin has a unique style, but the way he can pick any subject and make it sing is one of the things I admire about his work. I'll be watching his progress in 2012 because I know some of the things he is working on. Our work and thoughts on painting and things we are trying to experiment with are very similar right now. I enjoy getting together to paint with Colin or discussing our work in emails. Inspiration: Anything is paintable.

Colin Page

Colin Page

Colin Page
10- Randall Sexton.
I'm really attracted to Randy's brushwork in his plain air landscapes. When I saw his still lives on his web site it showed me a totally different side of his work. Again, I've selected a painter for his combination of realism with loose paint for paint's sake brushwork.
Check out the size of the still life too... 60x48" !
Inspiration: Mix of abstract/ loose paint and realism, just become a better painter.

Randall Sexton, "Delta Chevy" 12x16"

Randall Sexton, "Hootenanny" 60x48"
11- Tibor Nagy.
Brushwork. Love it. Check out the two demos I linked to below his work.
Inspiration: Brushwork!

Tibor Nagy, "The Last Winter Day"

Tibor Nagy, "An Ancient Luck"
video demo
another video demo
12- William Wray.
His color and paint handling is killer. He can pick any old subject and make it rock. I don't know how he gets these color combinations. Inspires me to try and bring some of that into my own work somehow. Inspiration: Paint anything, don't be afraid of color.

William Wray, "Banister" 20x20"

William Wray, "Backdoor" 24x24"

William Wray, "Square D" 24x24"
13-Marc Hanson.
Marc is another favorite of mine. Great skills, but also they way he can take a simple subject like one tree and make it worthy of a piece of art. Reminds me to simplify. Inspiration: Paint more on the spot and simplify.

Marc Hanson, "Hex River Valley" 30x40"

Marc Hanson, Sunset on the Hills" 9x12"

Marc Hanson, "Corner Light" 8x10
14- Logan Hagege.
If there is one guy I know who has his own style it's Logan. He has really been doing some nice stuff lately, so I know he has some good surprises for 2012. Just take a look at the huge canvas he is stretching up. Inspires me to keep it real and to go big. Inspiration: Keep it real, be true to yourself. Go big.

Logan Hagege, "Unveiling the Clouds" 80x52"

Logan Hagege, "The Sun and the Clouds" oil/linen 40x40

Logan Hagege, big ass canvas, sweet studio space.
15- Aaron Westerburg.
More mad skills. I think the reason I chose him for this list is his color palette and subject choices. Love the self portrait. Unique design, great color, brushwork. He has it all. And who can't love the painting of his dog Stella? Inspiration: Color, Design, Brushwork.

Aaron Westerburg

Aaron Westerburg, "Stella" 10x6"

Aaron Westerburg, Large Version "Transition in Rose" 36x18
16- Ken DeWaard.
Love his plein air work. He has great designs. He really tackles some big stuff on the spot and does not mess around. My inspiration: Go big, keep clean simple designs.

Ken DeWaard, "Port Clyde" 6x8"

Ken DeWaard

Ken DeWaard
17- Tom Balderas.
Crazy brushwork and color. Tom just puts down the important stuff and leaves it. Inspiration: Put it down and leave it alone.

Tom Balderas, "Figure in Red on a Dock"

Tom Balderas
18- Stank Kordic.
I really like the direction of her work. She has a style all her own. Realism mixed with a bit of abstraction. She really seems to be going all out lately, so keep an eye on her in 2012. Look for the video of her talking about her work. Sorry I can't put all the links myself. I have faith in you to be able to find info on your own. Inspiration: Explore my feelings and the "why" behind my work more.

Stank Kordic

Stanka Kordic
19- Quang Ho.
Quang is just a great painter. Love his work and the poetry of the paint handling. Hard to pick just a few examples of his work. Inspiration: find the "poetry" of what I'm painting and don't get caught up in detail.

Quang Ho, "In the Kitchen" 20x20"

Quang Ho, "Dark Slumber" 12x12
20- Dan Beck. Just love Dan's paint handling. Lost and found edges. Inspiration: I need to soften some of my edges even more this year.

Dan Beck, "Lemon and Grapes" 8x10"

Dan Beck, "Zeke" 14x11"
Thank you so much for compiling this inspiring group. These are all definitely people to study. Problem is, I then see clearly how very far I have to go.
My list might vary a bit . . . for sure you would be on it. Happy New Year!
Good calls, Frank! I recognize a lot of them, but there were some new to me, and I love to look at all of them!
Wow, I am inspired too-thanks for the list Frank!
All fabulous painters and some of my most favorites! Thanks for the list and happy new year!
What a terrific post!!! I love the way you not only identified some of their great traits but you also identified how you see them as "models".
Many of those listed are among my favorites too and there are some I've not heard of and will not further investigate!!!
Thanks, Frank... And HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours!!
Great and inspiring list, Frank...thanks for putting it all together so artfully! Hope your New Year is filled with great paintings and artists. Katie
Thanks, I could have posted 100 painters I'm inspired by.
Marian, I hope you meant will NOW further investigate.
Happy New Year everyone.
My list would look very close to yours, but it would have your name on it!
Two of my favorites, not on your list...
Jennifer McChristian and Calvin Liang.
Thanks for sharing. Have a great 2012!
Valuable,valuable, valuable! Must mark this post in this new year and return to it often. Thank you, Frank,very inspirational!
These were all great! I'm going to now look up the ones that are new to me. Loved reading how they inspire you. Happy New Year!
Nice list Frank. Some of my personal favorites along with your work. Nice to see them all together on one site.
Wonderful post Frank- Thanks for putting it all together! Definitely some of my favorites also, and I very much enjoyed your reasons and insights on these painters. I look forward to invesigating the ones that I wasn't as familiar with. Also makes me fill in some of my own to go towards the 100...;-) hmmmmm Jennifer McChristian, Mark Daily, Kathryn Stats, Karl Dempwolf.... Love his work!! You've opened up a real can of worms!! Thanks Frank- and Happy New Year to you!
Really nice list Frank. Can't really argue with any of them. I have to agree with Randy though, Jennifer McChristian is the bomb.
Jennifer McChristian was definitely on the short list.
Absolutely great choices!
very cool Frank! love them all myself...but you are on top of my list...just looking at the images of your paintings inspire me to get out there and paint away. thanks so much for this.
Great choices, all wonderful paintings.
Beautiful. Nothing like viewing other's work. A wonderful viewing experience, a wonderful learning experience. Thanks for sharing. Keep up the beautiful inspirational work.
Frank, Great idea for a post. Some of my favorites as well and a few new ones for me to check out!
A great dose of inspiration! Thanks.
Great list, interesting reading, thank you!
Great listt!! And your explanations are very enlightening. Thank you Frank for sharing this with us. Some I know, some I have book marked to follow along another time. Its past midnight now here in NZ.
Best to you for 2012.
You've really included some very inspirational and talented painters, thank you for your efforts in showcasing representational art! Love your work too by the way!
Fantastic - thanks for sharing your inspiration!
Great list! Most of whom I haven't seen before. Thank you!
Thank you so much for the awesome list. I love finding new artists to admire and learn from!
Have a happy creative new year,
A fine list with some old and new I'll check out. An honor to be among them. thank you Frank your holding that brush pretty high yourself...
A beautiful group work. Thanks for posting it!
Frank, thanks for the list, it is nice to see such great and diverse and inspiring representational painters. great choices, could even be a longer list
Great list of wonderful painters!! Congrats to all them for making this list. Some I know of , others are new to me and I'll have a grand time researching everyone's work! Thanks Frank
Great List. I'm now even more inspired for the new year. I'll have to spend some time looking up a few of these folks on the web. Thx Frank.
Thanks everyone. Again, I could have easily chosen another handful or two. I wanted to keep it as condensed as possible. I tried to show the variety of work that influences me and some people who paint similar to these examples may have fallen through the cracks.
Did not expect this post to become so popular. I'll try and do another list next year.
Thanks William, looking forward to what you do with paint this year.
Great list! I am inspired too! Thank you!
wow this is a great post, thank you for going to the trouble to list it all Frank. I have discovered a few new painters i hadn't known about, and will definately look them up. My first time to visit your blog, it's a goodie, i'll be back.:)
Wow.... so many wonderful inspirations here in this post it will take me a long while to digest it all.
Thank you for sharing all this gorgeous work. Much I'd seen before and a bunch I had not.
Thanks for this post! Great information about artists to watch, and some are totally new to me. Happy New Year!
Thank you for this great piece of information. Paintings are superb and inspiring. Thank you for your research. I came across your site by googling "how to put inspiration into your paintings." There is plenty of inspiration on your site.
Hi, I want to congratulate you on your work, very bright, I love the color tones achieves superb, very good work, greetings.
I think that David Gluck guy is the greatest. He is so smart and awesome in every way. I heard he once saved a burning bus full of orphans from driving over a cliff, while simultaneously making supper for his wife.
Oops, probably should have posted this anonymously.
Wow, I hadn't heard that about David Gluck. That's really something special. Another reason to have that guy on my list.
Im a little late to the party but Nice list Frank! My favorite part is the little summary of why.
I think I will have to write one also..
Thanks for introducing me to a lot of fine painters. Still so much left to learn!
Thank you Frank for including me in your very impressive list, not sure I belong there. Also I loved hearing what each one brings out in you, another reason I have wanted to paint with you for sometime now, your color and vision would be of great help to me. My apologies for not responding to this earlier, I just got wind of it from Barbara's blog this morning. It means a lot to me, especially coming from you, thanks again!
Thank you, this is a great list!
Great list Frank--- overlaps with much of mine, some great new finds as well!
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