Maybe not.
I thought the Red and Green colors of this recent landscape were about as close to a Christmasy theme as I could get.
I wish all of you, and your families, a wonderful Holiday.
May Santa bring lots of gifts for all, and a little peace and prosperity for the whole world.
The excitement is growing around here by the hour.
I mean by the minute.
Christmas is a very exciting time of year for a certain five year old.

"Grazing Cows by the Church", 18" x 24" oil on linen, Frank Gardner © 2008
$2,300. Framed. Available at Galeria Gardner
This is Great Frank, and its warming us up just looking. (Raquele and I = us) Feliz Navidad
Thanks Dan.
Feliz Navidad to you guys too.
Enlarge this one and turn on the heat and I'll enlarge your latest one and stand in front of the open fridge.
HaHAhAHAha thats a great one!
I love this painting! And it does work as a Christmas greeting from my warmer friend to the south! We are luxuriating in 2 feet of new fresh white stuff here in the north country. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Feliz Navidad, Happy New Year and Peace always.
So great to switch between your lovely warm Christmas scene and that of others who live in the cold northwest.
Enjoy your little one... THAT's the gift of Christmas, isn't it??
I really like the sky in this painting. A very different scene than what's currently outside my New England window! I hope the certain 5 year old has a super fun Christmas and that Mom and Dad enjoy it as well.
My favorite red church!!!!!!!!!!
And all that warm glowy field foreground!
Thanks for the eye feast, Mr. Gardner!
Just the right red amidst all the green in another beauty. I like the way you get your reds to look sun bleached.
Have a wonderful holiday Frank and enjoy the thrill through the eyes of your girl ( s ).
Frank, Your painting is so warm and serene. Here in Chicago the weather outside is frightful. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Frank--nicely done and a great idea for holiday greetings from SMA. As Paula and others report, we're buried in snow here in Maine, but today with brilliant sunshine, it is truly beautiful out there.
Hope Erin, Julissa and you have the best Christmas ever.
BTW--the donkey print is framed and in its prime location--looks great!
Feliz Navidad, amigo. Erin must be so excited! How fun, to be 5! ;-D
Hi Jennifer B. Ahh, two feet. I'll take it for one day, just for Christmas.
Yes, peace please.
Hi Marian, I am enjoying everyone's Christmas scenes. At least as many as I have time to check up on during this busy week of no school for the kiddo.
Christmas IS real fun with a little one.
Happy Holidays.
Thanks Paula. Those winter New England skies can be bleak. I know them well.
Thanks again, we are hoping. I think she is on Santa's good girl list.
Hi Solveg. You're welcome, thank you. Have a great Christmas. Sending you a warm breeze. Hope it reaches you.
Hi Bonnie. It is hard to paint a bright red in the strong sun and have it look right. Glad you think it works.
You too. Have a wonderful holiday.
Hi Janelle. Merry Christmas to you too.
Thanks Jack. Merry Christmas to you and Bonnie.
You know that spot well.
Glad the burro looks good.
Hi Jennifer T. Feliz Navidad y prospero ano nuevo.
(too lazy to put the accent on ano)
I wish I was 5 too.
She is pretty excited, but controlling it well. Counting the hours.
~Merry Christmas~ Frank~
~God Bless You and Yours and May Your Guardian Angels Watch Over You All~
Feliz Navidad! It's nice and rainy in Kentucky, I always wish for a white Christmas tho.
Beautiful painting as usual, I've really enjoyed your paintings and look forward to 2009.
I know you are going to have lots of fun with your daughter this Christmas, 5 is a fun age!
Frank... Beautiful, simple, elegant, direct... there's a long list of adjectives one could use to describe this one, and you others. Love it.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
It must be the Minnesota hour...
Merry Christmas - Feliz Navidad, Frank and Family!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
I'm tearing up - I just don't have words enough to express what you have been in my life, this past year. I'm so grateful - that's all I can find words for.....
May this year be filled with overflowing blessings for you and your family.
Thank you.
Merry Christmas to you and to Julissa and to Erin - and to all your family everywhere!
Thank you Amy! You too.
Hi Rhonda, Feliz Navidad! I hope that blows over by tomorrow.
Have a great 2009!
Thanks for the thoughtful words Marc.
Merry Christmas!
Thank You Solveg! Merry Christmas to you too. Do you have family that lives near you?
Thanks for being part of my little group of friends here.
Thanks for sharing your paintings and instructions/tips on painting. I look forward to the sharing and caring I receive from this blog.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours,
Merry Christmas!
I hope that five year old and everyone got their heart's desire. ;-)
Paz (who loves those grazing cows by the church)
Feliz Navidad to you and yours, Frank, and peace and happiness in the coming year.
I hope you had a wonderful day with the little one.
Our family Christmas has been enhanced by the birth of two little boys to my youngest bro and his lovely wife. They are 3 and 5 years old now and what a great time we had with them. The stuff they say.. just precious. It was great.
I like the painting too.
Nicely done. This painting has an old world feel to it. Best wishes in the new year.
A very nice painting - just how those places are supposed to look.
Happy New Year
...Enjoying your blog, Frank. Great stuff!
All the best to you and your family in '09 and may your next piece always be your 'best' painting.
Take care..
Happy New Year, Frank!
- to you and all your family!!!
: )
Hi Frank, Happy New Year! Maybe a quick trip to Cape Cod in February will help combat the heat.
Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you and your family Frank! Can't wait to see what you have in store this year.
Happy New Year Dean.
My pleasure. it's great having you around.
Thanks Paz. Happy New Year.
We all have had a great week.
Three Kings Day on Tuesday. Another big day for the kids here.
Thanks for visiting and commenting so often.
Hi Mary. We did. Thanks.
Thanks Tina. Best wishes to you too.
Happy New Year to you too Bill.
Hi Frank A.
Best in '09 to you too!
I always hope that my next will be my best. Does not always work out that way though.
Thanks Solveg. Happy New Year to you too!
I appreciate your visits and comments.
Happy New Year Eric.
Hope to see you on the Cape in Feb.
I'm not really trying to escape the heat though.
Hi Eric O.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family too.
Best of everything to you in '09.
Hope that baby boy is doing well.
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