One more Cape painting that I just completed. This is my daughter and our good friend Peter Kalill walking along the beach in Brewster, MA. They are exploring the tidal pools and looking for minnows. I've always loved this photo and have wanted to paint it for a long time.

"Exploring the Bay". 18x24" oil. Frank Gardner © 2010
Felicidades por tan bello trabajo!!!
what a painting!
This photograph turned into a gorgeous painting Frank. I love the movement and spontaneity of the whole piece.
How wonderful that you can put such a scene into a painting. Your daughter and friend. That's precious!
I love it!!
What a great memory!!
This is a sensitive and beautifully composed piece. I notice you seem to be doing more people and the sidetrips to New England are resulting in some great stuff. I finally got my act together so I can Post more regularly. I manage to do about two paintings per week, so I have quite a backlog since I last posted. Check out some of the new work. I always welcome your comments. Still plan to be in SMA in Oct., so hope we can do some good work together. Are you having any kind of formal opening on the Cape?
Hi Frank!... "You" do and say it all Frank!
This piece clearly presents your deepest part of your art... right from the Heart kinda art!
Good Painting... and good luck with your upcoming showWarm regards,
Great Frank! I think the likeness of Erin is right on! I can almost hear her singing a little song or something as she is hunting some fun with Uncle Pete.
I can see why you have always wanted to paint this, it's a lovely scene and your painting is beautiful. I also like the painting before this one, Provincetown boats, oh, and the one before that, and the one before that!!! Yup, I'm bookmarking your blog, be back soon.
Awesome painting Frank, love this.
Very lovely painting. Haven't been here in a long while. Love the new look. ;-)
hey Frank i have been busy recently and haven't been able to do much blogging. How delightful to come back and see all your new work. just brilliant!
I can see why you have always wanted to use this reference. Plus I love your daughters purple shoes.
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