"The Rogue and The Misfit", 8" x 10" oil on linen, Frank Gardner © 2008
$720. Framed. Available at Galeria Gardner

"The Rogue and The Misfit" before adjustments, Frank Gardner © 2008
There was no need to change much, but a few small adjustments in the right spots can make a world of difference sometimes.
Notice the slight difference in the black rigging on the back of the blue boat, the "Rogue". You can compare the position and angles to the piling of the pier, which was not adjusted. There were a few adjustments made to the buildings and trees on the left side as well. The blue barrels on the right side of the pier had a shadow color added and the "Rogue" also was darkened just a bit in the shadow. I may have drawn a crisper white line along the stern on the far side of the "Misfit" too.
I have been working on studies for some commission paintings, but I am not ready to post any of that just yet. Hopefully in the next day or two I can show you some of what I am working on.
Wow! You are right, Frank - a few adjustments here and there and it makes a great difference to the entire painting. I have really loved these boat/ocean paintings you have done. One can just about smell the ocean and hear the gulls overhead!
there's been so much water here lately! This is beautiful, you can hear the water lapping against the boats.
although your adjustments made a difference, i like the painting either way, the first one is the onsite impression...fresh, inspired, which i like, the second one represents the artist taking a second look with different eyes. it's funny how the artist can see things that need changed in their own work, that probably no one else would point out. i think there is a little perfectionist in us all...adjusted or not these paintings from your trip speak volumes.
Hi Joanne. Thanks. It was fun to get down to sea level and paint some ocean and boats.
I skimmed very quickly through your site the other day. I'll have to get back and read a little more about your trip to Mexico.
Hi Eric. The subject is a little different than the Mexican stuff. Look for some more green New England paintings from me soon.
Hi Christine. Thanks for the thumbs up on the painting before adjustments. I tried to keep the second one fresh by limiting what I adjusted. That rigging just bothered me the way it lined up with the skyline behind. Then I noticed there was no color on the barrels. The adjustments may be the perfectionist in me, but I really took my time to make sure each stroke would help the painting and not just be nervous picking.
Beatiful Frank! I really love all those blues confronting one another when you have water paintings...
Please don't kill me my friend.. but I kind of liked the far background of the bottom one more. Sorry.. :o( But there is something so appealing to the more unfinished look of something that is in the distance.
The boats though are just perfect in the top painting! They really needed that pick me up you did. Beautiful...
Oh, I see Ali, compliment the blues then stick the knife in. Fine, you'll find that your ability to make comments has been disabled. :o)
Honestly, I don't mind at all that you criticize my work. Or that anybody does for that matter. I appreciate that you are willing to offer a different opinion. Sometimes I think that people are too nice on blog comments because they are afraid of offending.
Now, that said, I think that the first picture has a bit of glare on the left side and it looks like there is less than there really was. About all I did was put a tree and a few white lines to suggest a house.
BUT, I know what you mean. I really wanted the right side of the distance to have more detail than the left. By the big white building, which is the library in Provincetown. I was thinking the same thing when I worked on it later. Oh, boy, now you've done it, you should have just left it.
oh! oh! oh!
MORE laughs.
thanks to you both!
Thank YOU Solveg.
Ms. Padron and I are no longer speaking!
LOL :o)
Well Frank it will take a lot more than this to stop me from speaking to you. Sorry to disappoint you amigo :o)
You are cursed as I consider you my friend, that means continuing annoying visits from me. With endless comments from my part as well... Some crazy, some sweet, some with no logic what so ever, but all true and from the heart.
Having said that, I understand what you mean by trying to work more the right side of the painting. That building is beautiful and I think you did actually work the right more that the left. (even though I like the other left better... ha, ha, ha..
Ok I'll stop that... Just kidding) :o)
And I really hope Erin gets better soon, poor thing.
Frank--I favor the finished piece. The contrasts are more "New England" to me. This kind of post is very helpful to the likes of me, who are still troubled by the when-to-stop dilemna. There is such a thing as seeking perfection and knowing when you have it. This is a good example of that and a great lesson.
Your New England stuff is becoming an oeuvre in itself. I hope the P'Town gallery is getting you the exposure you deserve. Looking forward to the rest of the work.
Solveg, :o)
Alicia. I am looking into my legal options about your recent comments. I can't do anything about your busting me on the heavily detailed left side of said painting, but I think I can get you on encouraging littering.
Erin is feeling much better thanks. She is really competing with me for wall space in our house. Now she wants frames like mine :/
Thanks Jack. Glad you like the N.E. paintings.
When to stop is a hard one amigo. I never know until it is too late, and as we all now know, one woman's opinion is different than mine. ( sorry Alicia, that one just slipped out)
Jerome's gallery is in Dennis, not P-town. I'd like to get in one out there though.
I don't like rushing when it comes to galleries however.
About your first part of the comment, all I got to say is.... HA! :op
Regarding the second part: Awwwwww that is adorable. You have to give her lots of wall space. She wants to be like Daddy!! How incredible sweet is that
Glad she is better! :o)
Now I'm off to pick up a gazillion mangoes from my garden... they are all over the place. I'll have some mango ice cream later today in your honor :o)
Not only does she love to make art, now she wants my biggest horse painting in the gallery for her room. My little art collector.
BTW, yes it is throat infection.
Mangoes are my favorite fruit. I'm jealous you have a tree. We are too high up, but they are very inexpensive right now.
I make mango ice cream too. all is forgiven.
Please, feel free to blast away at my art. I can take it.
You are not only a masterful painter, but a masterful wit, as well. SO FUNNY!!! Quick, focused retorts - all of your responses to Ms. Padron (though perhaps I can call her Alicia, again, after your generous extension of forgiveness!!!).
: )
: )
: )
Really. I'm really grateful for the good laughs and smiles. Thanks!
Very interesting. Very, very nice!
Actually Solveg, It is not really being generous, she has some mango ice cream that I want.
Thanks Paz!
Ha! more funniness!
: )
I am curious: how many of the people who comment on your blog (or whose sites you link) have you actually met?
And, also curious - do you know the string quartet, La Catrina?
And, I feel a bit intrusive mentioning your family, but after reading Alicia's comments, it's clear that your daughter has been sick - I hope she is much better by tonight. (and, I think she shows excellent discernment that she wants the largest horse painting in her own room!!!!............have you ever seen Francis Ford Coppola's rendition of The Black Stallion - from the late 70s - if not, it's really beautiful - though it has a scary shipwreck at the beginning that you might want to skip over if you watched it with your daughter........i've watched the island segment of that movie at least 100 times)
You are really good with these blue boats. Do they have any girl boats in that area?
Hi Solveg. The ones that I know I knew before my blog. I am hoping to meet and paint with some of my new friends before too long. I am kind of far away.
Maybe I'll host a blog fest/paint out down here in Mexico one day.
I have not listened to La Catrina, but they play the chamber music festival here in San Miguel. There is another festival coming in August. Do you listen to them?
Yes, my daughter had a throat infection and fever, but she is better now, thanks for asking. Her last day of school was yesterday.
We have not seen The Black Stallion. Maybe that would be a good one for us to rent. She loves horses and has been taking a few lessons.
Hi onpainting. Well all boats are girl boats, but I guess you mean are there any pink ones. I'll see what I can come up with.
You don't feel very far away looking at your recent pieces. It looks like you painted these nearby!
Thanks so much for your wonderful comments on my blog! I love to hear from you.
Still waiting on the WIP Caboose ;)
Here in Nova Scotia the black flies are biting but I'm painting in my bug jacket. No photos yet but.. soon.
Your Cape stuff is looking good. I tried to paint the scene of the Lobster Pot from my car one cold February day and the lady cop kicked me out.
I hate to be cold or wet. This means we must get very good at pain ting from our reference photos ;)
Hi Eric, I mean where I live is pretty far away from most of you. They have planes here though.
I was pretty close to you N.S.ites for these paintings. I'll be heading back up that way to N.H. in a few weeks (even closer).
Hi Mary. Where in N.S. are you? I was just commenting to Eric, who lives up there. I would love to get up that way to paint one day. I hear it is a lot like the Maine coast, but quieter.
Ouch, black flies are the worst. They take big chunks of flesh when they bite.
I hope to see some paintings from your trip next time I check your blog.
Well of course you got kicked out, that is a no parking zone :o)
I LOVE being cold and wet, that is why I moved to the high Mexican desert.
How fun to take horse riding lessons. Hope your little one continues to have a speedy recovery.
Haha, great title! You've given these boats a great deal of character, they're wonderful.
Is there more than one chamber music festival in San Miguel? What is(are) the name(s)? Maybe I can come!!!
(if you rent The Black Stallion, please remember to preview the shipwreck section - it's excellently filmed, but for a child it could be frightening...)
Hi Paz. She is back to normal. Thanks.
Hi Ambera. Yeah, boats have great names sometimes and it makes choosing a title easier.
Hi Solveg, They have the chamber music festival in August. http://www.chambermusicfestival.com/
There is a Baroque Music festival in Feb.
Jazz festival in Nov.
I'll be sure to preview it first. She usually does not get scared by that kind of stuff.
Yay! it's no fun being sick.
THANKS for the sites!!!
I looked them over - fantastic!
There are a lot of festivals like that all year here Solveg. Short films and animation, puppets, etc..
Plus all of the amazing traditional Mexican Fiestas. We like to celebrate anything and everything here.
I am a fan of celebration. Maybe I need to move away from serious, dreary Minnesota!
(ANIMATION festival!!! LOVE that!)
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