Working on some larger paintings has cut into my blogging/ posting time, so I am going to post about someone else.
Colin Page is a painter who's work I admire. He lives in Maine and paints mostly from life. Colin paints a lot of plein air landscapes and some excellent still lives and interiors as well.
I first ran into Colin's work in Maine, while up there painting with some friends, and I saw several of his paintings in a gallery.
Last fall, I found his web site and on line journal and we have become friends through the internet. I hope that we can get together this summer somewhere on the east coast and paint.
I would like to introduce some of his work to those of you who may not have seen it before.

"Lobster Boat Color Study" 10" x 12", Colin Page
One of the things that I like most about Colin's work his use of color. He does not hesitate to throw in some bright yellows, greens, purples. Like in this piece with the yellow sky.
He is also pretty prolific which is really the best way to improve painting skills. I tell him he needs a kid or two to slow him down a bit to give the rest of us a chance.
His brushwork is loose and confident, and the draftsmanship is right on the money. I have yet to watch him paint, but I can tell that he jumps right in there without a bunch of aimless poking around. He puts down a stroke of paint and just leaves it alone.

"Trawler with Gulls" , 12" x 16", Colin Page
His journal is kind of like a blog, but you can't post comments. However, you can email him by clicking on the contact information on his web site. At the bottom of each post there is a link that will take you to a previous post or you can use the archive list along the right. There have been a few good posts lately that deal with beauty in art and what makes great art different than just average art. See here here and here.

Still life , Colin Page
He shows his paintings in quite a few galleries on the east coast. Here is a link to some more of his work at the Dowling Walsh Gallery in Rockport, Maine where he will be having a show in June.

"Red and White Buoys", Colin Page
Thanks for putting Colins' work up.
Love the fearless expression of light and dark and the excitement in each painting.
Wonderful work.
Hey Frank,
I'm honored to get such a long post. Thanks alot for the kind words.
Kathy and I are doing what we can to keep life simple, so alas... no kids. I have to keep painting!
I painted with Peter Khalil and Paul this past weekend. Peter's a fun guy. We had a good time painting, despite the cold and rain. We're looking forward to you getting up here.
The lobster boat painting...the sky wasn't really yellow... it's one of the elements I take the most liberty with in a painting. It was actually a bright blue sky, but why let that slow you down?
Thanks Frank,
I really like his work! Specially all the little colorful dabs of brushstrokes. It makes the painting feel so happy, like a little confetti feel :o)
I also love how he uses color. Not necessary what he is seeing in real life but more the emotion it evokes on him.
He's lucky to have such a wonderful friend like you, who posts about him :o)
Hi Bonnie. I'm glad you like his work. I hope you'll take the time to visit his site and journal.
Hi Colin, my pleasure.
I was thinking of you guys at the Copley Society wet paint this weekend. Was hoping it wasn't quite that WET. Can't wait to get up there and paint with Peter Kalill and Paul Schulenburg. They are a lot of fun.
I love that about that "Lobster Boat Color Study", to have the guts to just throw in that yellow sky. It goes so well with the cool colors in the boat and the green and pink daubs in the water.
I should have mentioned to everyone something to look for in the trawler one. The light seagulls on the dark ground and on the other side the dark seagulls on the light sky. Very smart. I really like stuff like that.
Hola Alicia. I like his gutsy color too.
It's like he turned it up to 11.
( sorry, couldn't resist the Spinal Tap joke)
I need to push my color like that a little more sometimes.
Frank and Colin,
I visited both sites and was so taken in by the color and the brush work. And as Alicia has said here so aptly, like confetti.
I just looked at a still life I finished (?) yesterday, but in comparison to Colins' colors, it's way too dark and somber.
I'm going to risk some friskier attempts at color after seeing Colins' work.
Thanks so much for guiding us to his pages and writings.
Such lovely lively colors.
I can see why his wonderful work would appeal to you.
You are both such colorists.
Frank-you introduced me to Colin via your blog a couple of months ago. His work --my word is--courageous. Another word is instinctive. His journal is very thoughtful and it's clear that he has no restrictions and is open to everything. I hope I can be part of a Maine rendevouz should you guys get together. I could learn much. BTW, there's another painter up Colin's way. Her name is Connie Hayes and I have a link listed on my blog. She has been very successful here. Similar styles, but also very different--they "see" different things. A lot to think about here.
Hi Frank, thanks for sending Colin our way.
What excitement with color and motion in his painting.
i also checked out his journal & found food for thought.
Thank you for your visit, yes i am a Mary Casset kinda girl. :0 ) amy
Bonnie, dark and somber can be good, but it is never bad to think about your color choices.
Hi Elizabeth. The great color sense plus the confident brushwork. Thanks for taking a look.
You have some great photos over there on your blog these days.
Jack, Courageous and instinctive are good adjectives. I'll be sure to get in touch with you when I know my plans.
Hi Amy. I'm glad that you took the time to go over and read some of Colin's journal.
I see a strong resemblence in his work to yours. something about the way he dapples his paint, and the soft light. They're beautiful, and you're right about the interiors, they're gorgeous!
Really? Maybe that's why I like them so much. LOL
I guess I look at what he does DIFFERENTLY than me.
Thanks Ambera!
The interiors are great! I was going to post one, but couldn't grab the image at a good size. I could have had him send me one, but going over to his site is better.
Haha! I have no shame in admitting that some of the artists I like best are the ones I either paint like, or paint similar things as them. I think we're drawn to stuff like that.
Is that bad? Do I have a crazy out of control ego?
Oh, not at all.
So I paint haystacks. No big deal. I've never even heard of what's his name? Menot?
Collins' work is SICK! I mean that in a good way. Thanks for introducing him to us, Frank.
LOL, I thought that I was a U for a second David.
Glad you like it.
I always enjoy your site, Frank! Truly gorgeous work.
I'm honored you stopped by, Frank. You asked if I left it or changed it... come by and see!
You work pulls me onward. Thank you for that for your generosity with your images.
Since Frank has been kind enough to post this write up on my work, I figured I would hijack his comments section too!!! I just thought I'ld write a quick reply, that I really apreciate the kind words from everyone. In terms of my crazy colors, I should say that I do almost all of my landscapes outside, on-site. The main benefit of working on site (and not from photos, or memory) is that I can see an incredible amount of subtle variations in the local color of a scene. Then I get a bit creative in exagerating those subtleties to make the image a bit more interesting... but it's usually based on what I'm seeing. A major tool for me is exxagerating the warm/cool relationships to intensify light and feeling.
Jack, I also love Connie Hayes' paintings. She is one of my favorite painters.
Ambera, It seems to me there are some similarities between me and Frank. I just have more boats and less donkeys in my paintings:) Don't we all gravitate towards artists we are similar to? I spend the most time at a gallery looking at other plen-air painter's work, probably so I can find some ideas to steal.
Sorry to intrude Frank.
Thanks Matt.
Hi Susan. I'll stop by to have a look later on.
That is a very nice compliment. Thanks.
Hi Colin. No problem. I'm glad you decided to leave a couple of comments.
I like you thoughts on color.
I'd like to see your take on a donkey. I painted some Maine lobster boats. Now it's your turn.
Hi Colin: I do the same thing in galleries. I think we all do. I'm with Frank, I want to see you do a donkey.
nice artwork! Great talent!
Thanks for sharing Colin's work, Frank. Really beautiful stuff!
Also-- we were lucky enough to see an exhibit of Connie Hayes' work a few years ago at the museum in Rockland. Another wonderful artist! I have her book of paintings on my coffee table, for when I need a color pick-me-up. :-)
Thanks Helene!
Hi Jennifer, Do you get up to Maine often? A while back you said that you knew Spruce Head.
Colin shows in lots of galleries up there. One right on Main in Rockland. Dowling Walsh. It is the link in the post.
Connie's work is pretty colorful.
Unfortunately not for the last 3 years. When I was a kid we visited friends. (That's when I fell in love with Maine!) And then when our kids were little we rented a teeny tiny cottage right on the water in South Thomaston-- almost walking distance from Spruce Head-- for a few years. (I doubt we'd all fit in it now-- but man, was it beautiful!) We are due for a trip! I'd love to see Colin's work in person.
Yeah, I know where South Thomaston is.
Those paintings I posted were at McLoon's Wharf I think.
I am hoping to get back up there this summer. Monhegan is another Maine destination I need to get to.
We took the boat ride out there one year. It was lovely, but tons of tourists. (Ha! Like we weren't!) But my most favorite place was Brooklin-- on the Blue Hill peninsula. Long drive though!
like your water work...light with water, very luminiscent Frank!!! Can feel the light...
love it!!!!
floats very cool amass what could be oh so much business, but pull it off with eloquence! Great job!
Hi Larry, thanks for stopping by.
You do know that these are Colin Pages paintings, not mine, right?
Thanks just the same.
I am still blown away by the size of that PA. Gotta get a Glouster easel when I am up on the Cape.
Wow. These are kickin' paintings of Colin's. Thanks for sharing Frank. You really have great content on your blog and I enjoy my visits.
New Englanders have to develop a stoic tolerance for the mostly bad weather here and a sure fire antidote is a beautiful day in Maine! Makes you forget all that went before!
The first time I went to Monhegan with a group we stayed at the Trailing Yew's "electricity free" cottage called "the Mooring Chain" It was the first week in June and we froze our asses off. Barely could sleep it was so cold. This was at the behest of my Canadian friend Diane who said oh it's a little chilly but not bad :D She had a sub zero sleeping bag of course.
The next year I was happily ensconced at Barbara Hitchcock's sweet little apartment with heat and a kitchen! No more roughing it thanks ;)
I really appreciate your visits and encouragement. Thanks!
oh, and did I mention that the lobster buoys are superb? All those little bits of paint perfectly positioned! Fantastic!
Hi Mary. I know what you mean. Maine weather can throw it all at you in one day.
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