I took some leftover paint from one painting, added to it a bit to adjust it, and toned a linen panel with it.
It dried for a day, then I marked out my drawing lightly with vine charcoal.
Started painting with the lights this time.
Had my mid tone already.
Then added details only in the center of interest.

"Nicho" start, 10" x 8", Frank Gardner © 2008

"Nicho", 10" x 8" oil on linen, Frank Gardner © 2008
Private Collection
I kind of like how it looks in the top photo as a finished painting itself, but it did not fit well in the series like that.
Frank, I love the way you go about problem-solving and the attitude you take toward commissions as well. These are all wonderful. The church, Camino, the whole nine yards. And thanks for sharing your process.
Que lindo nicho Frank.. con esas violetitas :o)
Wow Frank..! Just checking in...You have been one busy artist since you recharged your batteries with a holiday break.
Nice to see your latest "stuff". I am impressed with the work you did on the church commission, not to mention others. Fresh! Good for you..
..Keep well.
Frank, thanks for sharing this series of paintings. I really like how you used the toned canvas to influence and give a deeper dimension to your paintings.
Thanks Dianne!
Gracias Alicia!
Hi Frank. I've been trying to keep busy. It always takes me a few days after a trip to get back at it. I'm going away again, so I needed to clean a few things off my plate first. Thanks for checking in.
Hi Elizabeth, I'm glad to share. Thanks you for visiting.
F . . .I have been playing a bit with toned canvases, but I think I am overdoing it when I do. See, McChristian's paintings. She really has a touch with it . . .especially in her light areas. Guess I am going to have to study her stuff a little more.
We should be talking about a workshop down your way next year. Drop me an email.
Hi Mike.
Yeah, she does some really nice stuff and I agree, she has an economy of stroke that allows the tone to work for her.
I am learning that I can't use the same tone for all jobs. I used to rely on that sienna exclusively. Must be something I picked up at RISD. I am going to post more on toned panels and a pic of my assortment.
Workshop... si senor! I'll write you later today.
I am fascinated, reading the varying focal objectives of the people writing on your blog - some on color, some on composition, some on strokes, some on palette (and its various aspects), some on on on on on. It's always so interesting for me to go back and look at your paintings again and again after reading all the comments, to see if it informs the things my nonpainter eye was picking up.
One thing I hadn't wanted to say, but someone said it already in the St. Paul's comment line: about the door in the final version. It's like the fire of God drawing people to knock on it. I hesitate to write things like that, because those are personal things, but after you told her that that was your point (or however you said it), I felt free to write that. There's so much power in these paintings.
Hi Solveg, I really appreciate all of the different things that my friends pick up on too.
Whether it is good or bad, I learn something from all of it and really enjoy all of the feedback.
The door area was my intended focal point. If it is interpreted as God drawing people in, or just nice light, I am happy just the same.
I wondered if you had seen your friends who went to Chatham a few weeks ago? ;o)
My Chatham-visiting friends just returned a few days ago - saw them briefly only. But, I sent an email to the husband/dad, suggesting that he write a comment, here, himself. I hope he does. But, if not, I will certainly write a comment on his behalf. I know he LOVED seeing your paintings in person. But, to that I say, DUH!!!!!
: )
: )
: )
Solveg, I am glad they enjoyed the work in person.
I was wondering if he had said anything about "The Constance Sea". I am pretty sure that is where it went :0)
no, apparently they did not buy Constance Sea. oh well.
i, myself, am saving up to buy a painting.
i have an ancestor - great great uncle, or something like that - who was a fairly famous Danish landscape painter. i will be happy to put a painting of yours in the prominent spot beside the one painting of his that i have in my home. it may be awhile, but it WILL happen!!!
: )
Hi Solveg. It must have been someone else.
That is cool that a relative of yours was a pretty well known painter.
Wow. I've been away longer than I thought. This is SO strong! Love it! I so enjoy reading the comments too.
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