My clients are moving and wanted a set of four little paintings that would remind them of their house.
I tried to paint scenes that were meaningful to them, but I also wanted them to be good paintings in themselves.
With commissions, I often like to offer a choice to my clients. I am a little more comfortable if they get to choose what they like. I realize that I don't always hit them out of the park, so it gives them an option to get what they want, instead of just accepting what I paint first. So I painted six.
They liked them all.

"Arrival", 8" x 10" oil on linen, Frank Gardner © 2008
Private Collection

"White Roses", 8" x 10" oil on linen, Frank Gardner © 2008
Private Collection

"Interior Courtyard", 8" x 10" oil on linen, Frank Gardner © 2008
Private Collection

"Kitchen Window", 8" x 10" oil on linen, Frank Gardner © 2008
Private Collection

"The Bench", 8" x 10" oil on linen, Frank Gardner © 2008
Private Collection
I can see why they liked them all. I do too.
You picked great spots of the property to paint.
I'd be very upset to leave such an awesome place. I've always wanted a house with an inner courtyard.
Again, very good advise about commissions.
Of course they liked them all! :o)
Great work Frank. Right there in front of that little bench are the beautiful paint strokes of light that I love :o)
I was especially struck by paintings 2 and 4, though I liked them all.
I think doing commissions is a nightmare which is why Robert won't.
The people often have some ideal idea of what they want and you can't match it.
You were right to give them a selection.
Sorry I've been a bit absent lately.
"Kitchen window" is gorgeous. Great sense of light on the plant growing on the column. Nice work Frank.
If they liked them all, did they buy them all?! They should have! These are very nice paintings.
Good job on the painting, and way to go with the frequent posts. I'm glad to see new posts so often.
Thanks Solveg.
Thank you Don!
Thanks Silvina! It is a nice place.
Hola Alicia.
Thanks. You always pick out the little jewels in my work.
Hi Elizabeth, I have had good and bad clients on commissions. I ask enough questions at the start, that usually I can say no to the ones that I think will make it hard for me to do a good job.
These clients were some of the best, easy going, friendly people that I have done commissions for.
It's good to see you. I must admit, I have been absent from your sites as well. Very busy and sometimes I forget.
That's my favorite of the set Colin. The vine and column was my focal point even though I titled the piece "Kitchen Window". That light really attracted me.
Oh, yes they did.
Best of luck with your show tonight at F.A.N. Gallery!
They're all wonderful, but Interior Courtyard is my favorite.
Yes...of course they liked them all!
Thanks Ed, that scene caught my eye right away.
Thanks Faye.
Haha, I like them all too. You've made it impossible to choose!
Hi Ambera. It kind of worked out that way I guess.
why wouldn't they like them all! these are great frank, what a way to remember a home (other than pictures), i would have never thought of doing something like that. i love that you absolutely avoided the standard 'house portrait' and went for intimate 'the bench' painting..i can only imagine the memories they will take with these paintings. :)
Thanks Christine. I'm glad yo like my choice of the intimate scenes over the standard.
That bench has such a great story behind it that I had to paint it.
Also, it is in kind of a quiet, thinking spot, that reminded me of a winnie the pooh story for some reason.
These are each so beautiful. It would have been impossible to choose just four of them.
Your clients are really lucky: what wonderful paintings of their estate!
I've been reading your blog for quite a while, now, and love it. You are an amzaing artist and an inspiration to me. Just wanted to let you know.
Also, while i am doing some editing of my blog, I took the liberty to add yours in my list of "blogs that i read regularly" - hoping that you wouldn't mind. Thanks!
Have a great summer vacation! ...seems like you have referred to that starting right about now. I hope it's a wonderful time for you and your family!!!
Thanks Susan, I like to give a choice anyway. It was a hard choice to decide what to paint. They have such a nice house for painting.
I could have painted ten more.
Hi Theresa, thanks.
It is great to know that you have been enjoying the blog.
Thanks for adding me to your blogroll.
Thanks Solveg!!!
We don't leave until Thursday. I'll try and get another post or two up before then.
You never know, I might get a chance to post something while I am away, but things will slow down for a few weeks that's for sure.
Frank, what lovely paintings, all of them. No wonder they couldn't decide. I bet if you'd painted ten, they would have taken ten.
Thanks Dianne.
I like them all, too!
Frank, that's a very generous approach to commission painting.
These are all beautiful and it's a tough call, but the first one is my favorite. You were able to set that warm building into the atmospheric distance.
Beautiful, Frank! Congrats!
I love them all! thanks for visiting my blog... Your paintings are absolutely beautiful! I love the colors and the way you handle the brush!
Thanks Paz!
Hi Bill, It makes it a little easier on me to approach it this way. Thanks for checking in.
Hi Takeyce. Thanks!
Hi Anthony, Well thanks back at you. I'm glad that you stopped by.
Each of them are a gem unto themselves. Great heat and light in all Don. Takes me right there!
They are all gorgeous pieces that say a lot. I find myself responding to The Bench most strongly, I think because of the lyrical lines of the bench itself and the greenish tinge that sets it slightly apart from it's environment.
Frank, I like all of the paintings. They're great. I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for checking out my new blog through Susan. I'm still working on the basics of blogging, so I hope this gets to you. Thanks for the nice comments on my paintings.
Jerry Peters
Hi Cooper, thanks. I appreciate your stopping by.
Frank not Don, but you knew that.
Thanks Eric!
You are right about the bench. It is an old bench from a train station in the U.S.
Illinois I think.
It has a lot of character and I like the lines a lot too.
Thanks Jerry. I'm glad that you stopped by.
Best of luck with your new blog. You'll figure it all out in no time.
i like that arrival piece. what's it like working on linen? i'd like to try something with a finer weave, maybe something lead primed...
Hi Simon. The oil primed linen is a nice surface. Slicker than gesso and not as absorbent. I can lift the paint off back down to white.
Because it is oil primed it can also be hard to get darks if you dont plan well. If you mess with it too much the paint continues to lift off or get muddy. I does not set up quite as fast as a gesso surface I guess is what I mean.
These are Raymar linen panels, single primed. You should give a few a try and see how you like them.
That was me Simon.
They are all beautiful... so sunny and inviting. I especially like the warm colors in the violet shadows.
I'm liking these sun-shade compositions. Keeping the large mass of light and dark intact. Awesome.
Thanks Diana and Mary.
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