"Daily Crossing", 8" x 16" oil on linen
Private Collection
I like the simple design of this one and how the goats all link together. The shapes of just a few of them are enough to fill in the blanks and let you know about the others. I did not count legs, and I don't think that is important.
Hi Frank,
I happened upon your blog by accident (happy accident!). While enjoying your art, I wondered where in the world you might live that a man and his burro are "local"...Mexico! I have visited there many times as my daughter and family also live in Mexico. Your paintings definitely reflect the countryside and the way of life which I have experienced while there. Daily Crossing is so fresh and full of interesting details....I will definitely be back to visit again. All the best in 2008.
Great painting. I like it. Playful subject matter, nice composition. And you're right, why count the legs? A cople of 3 legged cows never hurt anyone.
Nice work Frank and I'm psyched that your posting frequently again. Does that mean I have to also?!!!
Hi Joanne, Thanks for paying me a visit. Where does your daughter live in Mexico?
I appreciate your comments on my painting.
I enjoyed looking at your blog. I like how it is a mix of watercolors and photography.
Yeah, you better get back at it Colin. I've been checking to see if you've got anything new.
You must have about four feet of snow by now. Have you been skiing a lot? I almost feel like grabbing a couple of tubes of white and heading up that way to paint.
Hey Frank,
Thanks for visiting my blog! My daughter lived in Mexico City for 5 years, and is currently in Tijuana. They will be moving to Guadalajara in July. We have explored Huatulco and Oaxaca, Puerto Viarta, and the "highway" that goes along the coast from Huatulco to Acapulco. I love the country and people of Mexico! Where are you in Mexico? Looking forward to visiting you again...and seeing Mexico through your eyes. :-)
I am in San Miguel de Allende Joanne. About 4 hrs from Guadalajara
Hey Franko!
I really dig these pieces of the herds moving. They are so animated and full of life! You should do more! REally! More!
Been outta commission for a few days due to power outages and torrents of rain and wind.
Am dying to hear the story of how you ended up living in Mexico!
This is one of my favorites--love the composition, and how all the darks are held together.
Yeah, I love doing these. I would be happy with this job of taking animals out and keeping an eye on them all day in the field.
I've been wondering if you were gonna get hit by those storms. Stay dry.
I'll have to tell you that story some day. It is a long one.
Hi Faye, thanks, it is good to hear what you think.
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