This is sort of a blog chain letter, but better. I would normally throw out a chain letter and a chain letter is anonymous. This is actually pretty interesting. In fact, I have traced this back pretty far by just following the links and have found some interesting blogs and facts about the bloggers that make my five random or weird things look pretty boring. You can trace this backwards from
Alicia Padrón because
Eric Orchard did not post the full rules on his blog. He is pretty busy right now so he can be forgiven. Best of luck with your book launch Eric.
Here are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 5 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well
as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Anyway, I've been "Tagged" by a blogger friend of mine
Ambera Wellman. Ambera ia an emerging artist in Halifax.
Not only does she have a neat blog and a cool name but she is someone who's name pops up all over the place if you read the comments that people make on blogs. She is a good example that blogging is not only about showing posts and receiving comments, but actually making comments on other blogs.
She and Eric have been great about making comments on my blog and I am thankful for their input and friendship.
So here are my five random things. Reading these now I could have come up with much stranger stuff, like being kidnapped, but I'll stick to what I sent Ambera last night.
1. I DO have a license, drove to Mexico from New York 18 years ago and I'm still here. ( What's up with you and Eric that you don't have a license?)
2. I hate dirty brushes.
3. I have kid's songs in my head all day long.
4. I like to eat candy, a lot.
5. One of my favorite movies is "Being There" with Peter Sellers. This is a great movie to watch at this time of year by the way as we head into winter. If you have not seen it go out and rent it.
Which brings me to my picks for who I will "Tag".
I have just started out in the blog world and this being Thanksgiving and all, I would like to start with some bloggers who I am thankful for in one way or another.
#1. I will have to pick James Gurney. His blog
Gurney Journey is the first blog that I check out every morning. He posts regularly and covers so many topics that I think there must be two or three of him somewhere. I am a big fan, a Gurney Groupie so to speak. If you don't already, you should check out his blog. If you know his blog and have not visited his other web sites here they are
Dinotopia and
James Gurney's web site. Thanks James, I am a fan from before your blog, but Gurney Journey is one of the reasons that I decided to blog myself and share what little knowledge that I have with others. I am really curious to see what James comes up with as his five random things.
#2. Will have to be Ed Terpening. I know that you have been tagged before Ed, but you are another blogger that has made a difference, and I'll have to "Tag" you again. Back when I was thinking of blogging, but not sure if I could do it, I was reading through
Ed's Blog and came across this post.
Why Artists Should Blog. I read some great reasons to blog which clarified my ideas and learned some new words like
Lurker. I decided to not be a lurker any more and posted a comment on Ed's blog. I opened my blogger account and here I am. Thanks Ed.
#3. Is
Mike Bailey. Mike was the first person to post a comment on my blog. Thanks Mike. You made me realize that there are actually people out there reading all of this and it got me to get some content on here fast. Mike has a great blog that you should check out. Thanks again Mike for posting on my blog. I know you must have some interesting or weird things about you.
#4. Is going to be
Carol Marine. she is a great artist and one of the best "Daily Painters" blogging. You should all have a look at her work and bid on one through ebay if you like them. They are awesome little paintings and very affordable. I wanted to get some more painters in on this so here you go Carol. "Tag". I think that you must have some interesting things about yourself to share.
#5. Is Jerry Lebo. He has a blog,
Sixty Minute Artist, that is just packed with interesting info on painting. It is hard to believe that he is not a full time painter with all of the content he has on there. If you want tips on painting I recommend that you check out his blog. Keep up the good work Jerry. I know that you will have interesting things, I wonder if you can limit it to five.
Thanks to all of you. I know that you are all busy, but I was not going to be the one to let this stop at my blog.
Happy Thanksgiving!